
Sustainable accessories for the divine female

Be­ing sus­tain­in a position does no longer on­ly suggest chang­ing our ac­tions in terms of wa­ter and en­er­gy con­sump­tion, as well as de­creas­ing our vehicle­bon diox­ide (CO2) emis­sions. How­ev­er, it is going a lit­tle fur­ther and a few­times it’s miles as sim­ple as con­sid­er­ing sus­tain­able fash­ion op­tions. Ja­9 Browne, a Trinidad-born Caribbean cre­ative, creator, free­lance jour­nal­ist and the face be­hind the ac­ces­so­ry logo Ve­na—The God­dess Ex­pe­ri­ence, shows us through her ac­ces­sories how we will merge sus­tain­abil­i­ty with fash­ion.

Ve­na—The God­dess Ex­pe­ri­ence is a Caribbean-primarily based ac­ces­so­ry brand cre­at­ed for and in­spired by the di­vine female. Ja­9 says that she is proud of the con­scious steps made to apply greater eco-buddy­ly and sus­tain­capable fash­ion op­tions adding that “Fash­ion have to nev­er be terrible for the en­vi­ron­ment.” The XX Team had the op­por­tu­ni­ty to listen from Ja­9 on her beau­ti­ful­ly craft­ed pieces and her jour­ney as a lo­cal de­sign­er. This is what she needed to percentage with us.

Did you al­ways see your­self be­com­ing a de­sign­er?

Ab­solute­ly now not! I al­ways say that de­sign is some­element I tripped and fell in­to, but I would nev­er name it an ac­ci­dent be­reason I be­lieve all of our steps are di­vine­ly or­dered. What begin­ed as a ran­dom hob­through dur­ing uni­ver­si­ty, mor­phed in­to pals re­quest­ing pieces in their personal, which fur­ther grew in­to, “Hey! This may be each a pas­sion and an activity.” I al­so work as a creator and unfastened­lance jour­nal­ist but my fel­low mil­len­ni­als, in par­tic­u­lar, will un­der­stand once I say, it’s be­com­ing extra com­mon to have sev­er­al ca­reer in­ter­ests co-ex­ist­ing.


How did you discover ways to make those ac­ces­sories?

Tri­al and er­ror, lit­er­al­ly. I’ve al­approaches favored mak­ing stuff, a few­thing I at­tribute to my mother who I like to call the Queen of DIYs. Her mother and my grand­moth­er, Ve­na Browne (to whom the brand owes its name), al­so labored nicely with her fingers. So I sup­pose it’s safe to mention, it’s in my blood.

Who or what are you in­spired by using?

Every­thing. In­spi­ra­tion comes in lots of dif­fer­ent approaches, and I try my first-rate to leave my spir­it open to ALL of it. Some­times a con­ver­sa­tion sparks a new de­signal. I’ve been given­ten de­signal thoughts while run­ning every­day er­rands, and even as take a seat­ting in of­fice meet­ings. Mu­sic al­so helps to chan­nel my cre­ativ­i­ty. My most re­cent favorite track which I play while I paintings are In­dia Arie’s al­bum ‘Wor­thy.’

How are your portions dif­fer­ent?

One of the things I’m most proud about is that the pieces I cre­ate are both fab­u­lous but appropriate for the earth. I in­cor­po­charge re­cy­clable ma­te­r­i­al in­to each piece, and it’s far cool to see how to discover magazine­ic in things that oth­ers can be brief to dis­card.

What has been your largest strug­gle to this point inside the in­dus­try?

Fear, to be hon­est! Fear and en­tre­pre­neur­deliver do NOT pass nicely to­geth­er. You can have both but def­i­nite­ly no longer at the same time. Most prob­lems are solved from the mo­ment I advert­simply my mind­set from “What if I fail?” to “I’m go­ing to try any­manner, and examine if it doesn’t cross as planned.” As for an extra tan­gi­ble strug­gle, it’d be the fact that there are lim­it­ed re­assets/sup­pli­ers avail­capable lo­cal­ly that cater to jew­el­ry-mak­ing.

Do you discover your­self be­ing sup­port­ed using oth­er lo­cal de­signal­ers?

I con­sid­er my­self a ba­via of types in the busi­ness, so I haven’t met or in­ter­act­ed with some of the famous de­signal­ers (yet). How­ev­er, those that I have crossed paths with have shown noth­ing however love, light, and sup­port. I al­approaches hold forth that there’s enough room at the top for anyone.

What are we able to search for­ward to inside the fu­ture from Ve­na—The God­dess Ex­pe­ri­ence?

Apart from greater amaz­ing de­symptoms, I’ll take this op­por­tu­ni­ty to proportion an undertaking I’m so ex­cit­ed about. We’ll quickly be launch­ing ‘The God­dess Talks.’ The goal is to fea­ture ladies from all walks of life who are ex­celling in their own precise way. So stay tuned, you may see one in every one of your faves be­ing excessive­mild­ed, or dis­cov­er a brand new source of in­spi­ra­tion.

Photo of Wendell Washington

Wendell Washington

I started blogging back in 2019 with a few of my friends and quickly fell in love with it. Over the years, my blog has evolved to include fashion and beauty posts, with a little bit of food, lifestyle, and travel thrown in there too. I now blog full time and live in the middle of nowhere. I love trying new things and have many plans for my future. The more I learn about this industry, the more I realize how much I love it! I want to be able to inspire others to love what they do, whether it’s working in the world of fashion, beauty, or food.

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