
YouTuber is going viral after earthquake ruins make-up tutorial – however changed into it real?

On July 5, Los Angeles, California, turned into rock with a huge 7.1 earthquake and several aftershocks that rumbled on in the nighttime. It, obviously, interrupted lots of day-by-day activities in the surrounding area or even performed a component in messing up several Twitch streams – with enthusiasts witnessing Mike ‘shroud’ Grzesiek’s entire set-up shake at some stage in a recreation. However, one creator has seemingly used the moment to unfold two-yr lengthy pranks on visitors. Later within the day, on July 5, YouTuber Ali J’ uploaded a video of herself having a ‘simple’ makeup education being interrupted with the aid of the earthquake – giving her the reputedly ideal recipe for a viral video.

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The YouTuber began out by sincerely making use of red lipstick to her lips earlier than the earthquake struck, and the makeup went across her face – leaving Ali J looking like the Joker from Batman. While the timing seemed top-notch, it is simply a bit too good to be real. Members of the YouTube remark phase fast went to paintings on dissecting the video for any little imperfection they might locate, as they couldn’t trust it became real.

It didn’t take appearance earlier than a few internet detectives located that every one of the Ali J YouTube movies was recorded in an Earthquake simulator – with assessment photographs of her background and motion pictures from the simulator itself showing hanging similarities. Others pointed out that the YouTuber had now not uploaded a single video in view that April of 2018, with the background not converting at all in that span of time.


Some viewers additionally cited that the video’s title made a factor of having the date in there whilst the other uploads simply went with the aid of the date that YouTube robotically produces. Now, nobody is pretty positive just why all the YouTuber’s films have been recorded internal this earthquake simulator and handiest one has been used as a part of the prank. It looks as though this prank became in the making for over the years, as Ali J used the room to record her ‘everyday’ make-up tutorials, inside the desire, it might make the earthquake tutorial greater legitimate. The individual behind the YouTube account has not commented on the upload, but they haven’t been in a position to tug the wool over anybody’s eyes.

Check Out You Makeup Storage Location to See the Status of the Application Tools

You will want to check out your makeup garage area and see if the software tools you have got are enough, they have got turn out to be grimy, or they’re just floating around in the backside of the bag or drawer. Dispose of any sponge utility gear that came with the make-up and purchases excellent, washable brushes on the way to no longer make the storage space look untidy. Any powder puffs in addition to dirty basis sponges that are not clean must also be disposed of. When you operate easy brushes and other software gear, you will be prolonging the life of the makeup by removing microorganisms and oils that might be added to it.  If the utility gear isn’t clean, the microorganism may acquire in your garage vicinity, so you will want to remove them. Enjoy Easy Access to Your Makeup with Organized Makeup Storage.

Photo of Wendell Washington

Wendell Washington

I started blogging back in 2019 with a few of my friends and quickly fell in love with it. Over the years, my blog has evolved to include fashion and beauty posts, with a little bit of food, lifestyle, and travel thrown in there too. I now blog full time and live in the middle of nowhere. I love trying new things and have many plans for my future. The more I learn about this industry, the more I realize how much I love it! I want to be able to inspire others to love what they do, whether it’s working in the world of fashion, beauty, or food.

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