Skin Care

You might be harming your skin with face moisturizers!

We all know the feeling of supple skin after a bath. How soothing those cheeks seem to our fingers – how alive the forehead. And then we think, “Let’s enliven this a little more.” We buy the best moisturizer for men in Australia and nourish our skin again with hopes and smiles – But.


Science says that moisturizers are good, but there are terms and conditions, just as with any other thing in the world. People sometimes overlook their uses and pave the path to some Shakespearean tragedy. What are moisturizers, and what is skin? How do these two interact? Once we know these things, we become wise.

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The rosy romance of skin and moisturizers.


Our skin hates those cracks, and so do we. We classify our skin into three layers – The Epidermis, the dermis, and the hypodermis. Know that skin is an organ, more than just a cover. It sure does protect our organs, but it also performs many major functions. One of those functions is to regulate our body temperature (also known as homeostasis), and the other is sensing the world. The skin acts as a bridge between its immediate external environment and the internal body. When it gets too hot, the body releases water as sweat to bring homeostasis to equilibrium. It is the same as some AC dripping water to cool down the room. But then we live in an ever-changing world, and not winters alone go furious upon our skins. Never-ending pollution and construction challenge the elasticity of our skin.

Our skin has nerves that detect if it is warm or cold and then communicate it to the brain, which in return either shrinks or enlarges the blood vessels to regulate heat. The other way is to do it through sweat glands. In cold weather, the humidity goes down, and this dry air starts to suck water out of our bodies. When this happens, our skin goes dry due to excessive water loss. Dry skin comes no less some demon to our comfort. One hand holds the glass, and the other keeps itching upon those cracks. Our body stops this water loss by forming a lipid layer (or oils) over the skin. Water evaporation does not happen through a lipid layer, which keeps our skin hydrated. Moisturizers perform this same process when things go extreme. Moisturizers come in three types:

  • Lipids: Simple lipids like petroleum jelly.
  • Emollients: These get under the skin and fill the space created by dead skin cells, thus preventing water loss.
  • Humectants: It draws moisture to the skin and then stop it there.

But then we have a habit of overdoing things. Water is good for our body, but what happens when we stay in it too long? Peanuts are good, but what happens when we overeat them? And moisturizers are good, but what happens when we over-apply them?

Instances when moisturizers start to harm the skin.


And then we think, “Let’s enliven this a little more.” We buy the best moisturizer for men in Australia and nourish our skin again with hopes and smiles – But. But we start overdoing it. We lather our skin times and times again, and this causes problems. Our body has a natural tendency to hydrate our skin, and it simply loses its ability if we don’t give it space. Apply moisturizers if you feel like your skin is drying out. Moisturizers are good, but only when there is a need. Above it, many moisturizers start to clog your pores and thus causing irritation and pimples. Use your moisturizer like some wise. Contact Patricks if you need more information about face moisturizers and how they help you.

Photo of Wendell Washington

Wendell Washington

I started blogging back in 2019 with a few of my friends and quickly fell in love with it. Over the years, my blog has evolved to include fashion and beauty posts, with a little bit of food, lifestyle, and travel thrown in there too. I now blog full time and live in the middle of nowhere. I love trying new things and have many plans for my future. The more I learn about this industry, the more I realize how much I love it! I want to be able to inspire others to love what they do, whether it’s working in the world of fashion, beauty, or food.

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